Saturday, January 22, 2011

Here In The Middle

 A few months ago, my friend Lori and I went to a concert to see one of our favorite artists, Bebo Norman. He played a song titled "The Middle". And you how different songs mean different things to you at different times in you life? Well this is one of those songs.
    Maybe because I turned 50 last month. Marty and I also celebrated 32 years of marraige. :) Or it could be that my children are grown for the most part (even though you never stop parenting) and have their own families now..
    But it got me to thinking."God, am I where You want me at? Have I been drawing my life from the people and gifts you've given me. Instead of from You,The Giver of Life?"
    I don't know about you but I love it when God uses a song to speak. I believe it's one of the ways that He gets my attention when I may not be hearing Him any other way.
    Bebo said it better that I can explain it myself in this interview:

There’s a song called “The Middle” that was an interesting song to write. I had been talking to a friend of mine about his family. We were having lunch and I asked about his wife. And he said she was struggling with the fact that their kids were growing up, starting school, and becoming their own people. She had spent all of her time as a stay-at-home mom, investing in their lives. All of a sudden, they were separating themselves from her. She started asking those same questions that I was mentioning earlier. "Now all of a sudden, I’m not sure that that’s who I’m going to be moving forward. And at the very least, it’s changing. My role in their life is changing."
"The Middle" became a cornerstone song for me. When I talked about the middle, I was talking about in the middle of life. I realized we’ll always wrestle with this a little bit, because we’re in the middle until either Jesus comes back or calls us home. We’re always stuck between our flesh and our spirit while we’re living on this earth. There’s always going to be a battle for identity between those two things. As believers, that’s a beautiful struggle, and it’s not something that we need to be ashamed of or even afraid of, but it’s something that we can embrace and dive headlong into. ~Bebo Norman

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